In case it may have escaped your notice, Ardis Parshall has been posting and commenting a great deal lately. Actually, she’s so quickly made herself at home here at Times and Seasons, with her superb series of historical posts, as well as her reflections on everything from running a business to doing archival research, all from her own unique yet thoroughly Mormon perspective, that it almost escaped our notice as well. But not quite! So allow this to be a somewhat delayed official introduction of Ardis to the Bloggernacle as T&S’s newest permablogger. Welcome, Ardis! (We’ll be getting you your own set of keys any day now.)
I thought ya’ll did this a while ago, but I will take this opportunity to say Ardis is one of my favorite people in all blogdom.
Welcome! We’re glad to have you– even if you are a a Martian…
Best wishes to you Ardis! T&S is a better for having you!
Ardis rocks! I’m thrilled she’s perma now
Welcome aboard, Ardis, we’re very happy to have you.
A Manglish-speaking Martian who writes about murder … what hath T&S wrought?
Thanks everybody, I’m glad to be here.
Cheers, Ardis!
A terrific pick up, T&S! Welcome, Ardis.
Nice going all around. Welcome Ardis Parshall, the Vanguard of the Proletariat.
Yeah! I’m glad to see it’s official.
I was wondering why they weren’t trying to sign you up. Good luck! I’ve enjoyed your post.
I was wondering why they weren’t trying to sign you up. Good luck! I’ve enjoyed your posts.
You can say that again, Herodotus.
Welcome aboard.
=) I’m so glad! Welcome!
I’m looking forward to more terrific posts!
Yay, Ardis! I wondered if you’d become a permablogger. (Somehow I think the ward would like your gig better than mine, though :)).
So why does Ardis not have her own bio and posts link? She’s not even among the temp blogger posts links!