Re-reading Job by Michael Austin


Michael Austin, Re-reading Job: Understanding the Ancient World’s Greatest Poem

Here’s the blurb I wrote for this book:

“There is something new under the sun! Michael Austin’s reading of Job is faithful and critical, learned and accessible, serious and witty. And while his primary focus is on literary concerns, he doesn’t neglect the historical development of the book. Austin has not only cracked open Job, but he has also set a new gold standard for Mormon writings about scripture by seamlessly blending serious biblical studies, the Western literary tradition, theological reflection, and personal insight into one remarkably well-written book.”
. . . and I didn’t say that just to be nice. I can’t praise this one enough; if you are only going to read one Mormon Studies book this year, this is the one. It is a model for Mormon explorations of scripture and deserves the widest possible audience.
Review copy provided by publisher.

4 comments for “Re-reading Job by Michael Austin

  1. This is great. Simply waiting for the hardcover to match David B’s book. Of course, its not the end of the tale, but its a serious grapple with the literature.

    PS. Julie, when is your book coming from Greg? I presume its a reprint of your difficult to acquire New Testament questions?

  2. Terry H, sometime this fall. It is a reprint, with some new material added.

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