Feminist Mormon Housewives is one of our favorite bloggernacle blogs, with a strong core of bloggers, a variety of smart and lively posts, and a great community. Unfortunately, FMH has been down for the past two days, a victim of the patriarchy — err, of a server crash. Lisa is optimistic that the blog will be up and running again soon. (Crosses fingers.) Meanwhile, what’s an FMH reader supposed to do in the interim? Here is one list of ideas: 1. Go check out the FMH Facebook group, where a variety of fun and interesting FMH-related discussions are taking place, with FMH bloggers like mfranti and Derek. 2. Read some other LDS women’s blogs. The Exponent is a great place to start, with more topic and tone overlap with FMH than just about anyone else. Zelophehad’s Daughters offers a wicked-smart take on Mormon and feminist issues. And you can also check out the Feminist section of MormonBlogs. 3. Brush up on other sources. For instance, did you know that the entire text of Mormon feminist classic Women and Authority is available online? (What other books are you reading lately?) 4. Check out the individual blogs of community members, like mfranti’s blog, Shelah’s, Reese’s, Derek’s, Lessie’s, John Remy’s, Chandelle’s, G’s, CWC’s, and others. (Suggestions welcome) 5. Make comments at this open thread. We want to do what we can to support our blog-sisters; and we can’t personally fix a server; but…
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