Notes From All Over For Week Ended August 2

Comment here on the Notes From All Over for the past week. We’ve numbered the notes with letters for your convenience and to distinguish them from comments to this post.

14 comments for “Notes From All Over For Week Ended August 2

  1. Here’ my own take on some of the week’s news:

    c-I haven’t heard these guys yet, so I have no opinion on their music. But the reviewer seems quite taken with them. The reviewer also seemed to miss the connection of a Mormon band fronting for a band led by a Mormon.

    e-Does anyone know if Micheli is LDS? I was able to find one source that indicates that his son is LDS. And given where he is from, it seems likely.

    j-I think I’m going to start sending this to my sister whenever she forwards to me her right-wing emails.

    x-We don’t follow the LDS Church’s business enough. Clearly some are suffering. FWIW, I’ve also heard rumors that Deseret Book has had financial difficulties for years.

    y-What does this say when Lou Dobbs is too conservative for the Deseret News?

    aa-The problem with guns is that too many people don’t have the training to use them responsibly — and then they get in a situation like this, where emotion runs high, and bad things happen. Is there a place for training and compromise that would reduce this kind of occurance?

    ak-Is it just me, or does Yettaw look more and more noble, but not too saavy? So much publicity, but no government can seem to do anything! Save Suu Kyi!!

    as-Another story about the LDS Church’s businesses. Why don’t these things show up in the Mormon Times?

    bh-Good move, Guthrie! Your mission should have a lasting effect on your life. If you love the people of where you serve, shouldn’t some of their culture go with you?

    bi-IIRC, Smithson was from a Mormon family. The spiral jetty is one of the major pieces of Modern art in Utah. Losing it would be a tragedy.

    bv-The tributes to this building online when it burned were wonderful. The report that it will be similar is encouraging. I look forward to hearing how close it is to the way it was once the building reopens.

    bx-How out of touch is this guy? He doesn’t understand why anyone is against gambling, apparently?

  2. Kent,
    RE: c-
    I saw them play at The Mint in LA. I enjoyed the show but they weren’t anything spectacular. They are very “Killers-esque.” At a few points in the show it even seemed that the singer was channeling Flowers. Sins of My Youth is a good song.

  3. ag. So the Church doesn’t have signs saying the space between JSMB and the Temple is private? That seems like a mistake.

  4. Re: b

    That’s great they got on the radio and all, but that article is a mess. I hope all of the typos, syntactical errors and imprecise information (like the Mormons celebrating “Mormon Day” on April 6 – what’s up with that?) reflect more on the carelessness of the news source than on the missionaries themselves.

    I was on the radio once on my mission too and I would have been mortified if there had been a follow-up report like this one.

  5. I find it ironic that you have something here on hate speech, considering that the church, through its Bonneville broadcast stations, is a huge purveyor of hate speech: Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, day after day after day.

  6. Roger (5), you really need to be more specific about your claims. I’m no aware of any Bonneville stations carrying the people you mention (They might, I don’t listen to any Bonneville stations — but my impression was they were generally classical music, not talk radio). Which station carries any of these people? KSL? (I’m not in Utah and don’t listen to KSL).

    I would also be better if you mentioned which item above is about hate speech! I don’t see it!

    It sure seems like you are trolling, or at least have something you are trying to get off your chest!

  7. I have no idea how long it takes you to put this together, but I always enjoy scrolling through it on Mondays. Thanks for doing it.

  8. It took more time than it was worth–but most of Roger’s parade of horribles are not aired on Bonneville stations:

    Hannity is on KSL radio. But his isn’t hate speech–he’s too stupid to be hateful.

    Beck and Limbaugh are on KNRS in Salt Lake City. Not a Bonneville station. (in fact, if you like that kind of stuff, you can listen to them every day from 9:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m., with a three hour break for “Utah’s moral advisor, Dr. Laura.”

    I couldn’t find Savage on a SLC station. But he’s not on KSL.

  9. Thank you, Mark B. (8). I suspected as much.

    Does anyone know if Bonneville has a list of is current stations somewhere?

    I do know that Bonneville’s stations have changed over time. It would be interesting to have some kind of history.

  10. roger, I love the consistent cry that conservative talk is “hate speech.” Rather than just spew ad hominem, how about define “hate speech” and then use specific examples. I listen to Beck every day while driving about and, for the most part, he talks about who the different people in power are (like–what is it now, 34?–czars) and produces quotes from, oh, Barrack Obama and the web site. If that’s hateful, maybe you ought to talk to the president.

    While I see a side link to the story about Gary Herbert I don’t see it above. Just wanted to say that I know the guy a bit. He’s a friend of my folks and is in my dad’s ward in Orem. From my experience I have high hopes for him. He’s a good, honest man.

  11. Mark,

    Um, Merriam Webster defines hate as such:

    “intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury.”

    Thus, Glenn Beck’s lost mind incident highlighted above would indeed be considered hate.

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