Our latest guest blogger is not quite a video-game character, but she’s probably the next best thing. She’s the blogger P. Anderson — also known as Starfoxy (and occasionally as Andermom) — and she has the following to say about herself:
I’m 23, youngest of six kids, lifelong member, married with one kid and one on the way. I’ve lived in AZ my whole life- I have not ever and do not now reside in Mesa. I graduated with a BA in Astronomy (and almost physics- but the university wasn’t offering another quantum mechanics class until a year and half after I planned to graduate). I have aspirations of continuing my education and teaching math and science when circumstances allow. I currently serve as the Primary Chorister, and fear that I will be called to lead the cub scouts any day now (I know in my gut that I will get that calling someday- it’s only a matter of time).
Starfoxy currently blogs at Theory of Everything and is a regular fixture around the nacle. Her comments and posts are always thoughtful and interesting, and we’re happy to have her aboard as a guest. Welcome, Starfoxy!
Starfoxy, read up on the JW refusal to swear fidelity (i.e., pledge allegiance) to anything but God. If the shoe fits perhaps you may have a valid excuse to decline den mother duties.
I get roped into scouting all the time. Not much of a way around it.
Seen Gus (er, Dr. Hart) lately?
Good to have you with us!
When I saw “P. Anderson” I immediately thought “Pamela.” :D
I look forward to your comments and usually find them quite insightful, and I’m excited for your posts here.
welcome! that’s good news, I like your stuff.
Welcome! Looking forward to your contributions.
Thanks for the welcome everyone!
I should look into a plug-in that will play a certain classic Hendrix song for all of Starfoxy’s posts . . . :P
yeah. what they said.
Sister Anderson, where in Arizona are you? I was born and raised in Glendale and am curious if our paths have crossed.
SF, I wanna know if you ever address your DH as “Mr. Anderson” in a low, throaty, Hugo-Weaving voice…? ;o)
StarFoxy! I live in Arizona too, (and technically Mesa, but Gilbert stake and schools)
I’d love to get to know you better. I have 2 kids, maybe we can meet at a park somewhere. If you\’d like to email me you can.
jess.steed at gmail d\’com
The Silver Creek/Little Colorado Mormon towns are the only true Arizona.