Blogging most Fowles

Our latest guest brings a Fowles mouth and even more Fowles reputation. Yes, that’s right. John Fowles will be guest blogging at Times and Seasons. (I suspect that there’s some duck hunting joke waiting to be told there about Fowles and Seasons, but I’m too tired to think of it right now).

John is a longtime bloggernacle regular. He attended BYU and earned an undergraduate degree in German; received a Masters in European literature at Oxford; and then earned a law degree at BYU. He is currently a litigator at Snell & Wilmer in Salt Lake.

John is married (Allison) and has two daughters, with another on the way. (He is also related to Rosalynde, but don’t worry, he earned his guest stint the old fashioned way. Yes, bribery). John speaks more languages than you or I can shake a stick at. He dances the do-si-do quite well; in his wild and woolly college days, he hung out with RT and sported orange hair. Now he blogs. We haven’t decided which is worse.

Welcome, John!

16 comments for “Blogging most Fowles

  1. Looking forward to hearing from you more, john. I very much respect your voice.
    Though looking at your youthful-looking picture on the website, I can’t help but wonder if you shouldn’t be attending to your duties as Teachers Quorum President rather than spending time in the Bloggernacle. Those widows’ yards don’t mow themselves, you know!

  2. You’re close, Chad. I’m Young Men’s President in my ward, and believe me it can be awkward when you know that at least some of the ward members think you are a young man when you are needed to pass the sacrament with the young men for lack of deacons!

  3. Great to have you as a blogger with us, John. When I posted my first guest post at T&S, in October 2004, you were the first to make a comment! A long and thoughtful comment. I was grateful that somewhat actually had read my piece and deemed it interesting enough to comment. But there you were again for the 5th comment, and the 24th, and the 34th, greatly stimulating the discussion! I have always enjoyed your participation in so many posts. Looking forward to reading yours now.

  4. welcome, John. Now, werent you a guest blogger here at T&S earlier? Or did I think that was so becasue you posted a lot of comments? Please give my regards to Jordan too.( He should know who I am- from the Ann Arbor 1st Ward)

  5. Thanks to all. This will be fun. Hopefully interesting for you all as well.

    How interesting about that there are some other S&W connections around here.

    Sid, I haven’t guest blogged here before but I have commented a lot in the past.

  6. One more Snell & Wilmer connection. I work in their Phoenix office. John, we will have to get together at the spring retreat.


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