Lesson 37: Doctrine and Covenants 1:38; 20:21-26; 21:1, 4-6; 43:2; 68:3-4; 101:43-54; 107:22, 91-92
D&C 1:38
What is his word that will not pass away? How can a word be fulfilled? How can it be fulfilled by someone speaking? By a voice? What does it mean to say that the words of the Lord will be fulfilled? In the case of prophecy of future events, the answer is clear, but what about in other cases, such as when he gives commandments?
Section 20
Verses 21-26: Why does a section devoted mostly to priesthood duties begin with this testimony?
Verse 21: The word “wherefore” means something like, “because of this.” Because of what?
Verse 22: What does it mean to suffer temptation, if he gave it no heed?
Verses 23-26: This is a long and complex sentence. What is it about? Can you give a paraphrase?
Verses 23-24: Why is this important for us to know?
Verse 25: Why aren’t ordinances or good works mentioned in this verse?
Verses 26-27: To be saved, those who came before Christ must have believed in the words of the prophets, spoken as they were inspired by the Holy Ghost. Those who come after must believe in the gifts and callings of God by the Holy Ghost. How are these two the same? What’s the difference?
Section 21
Verse 1: What does each of these designations of the Prophet Joseph mean: seer, translator, prophet, apostle, elder? Do they all apply to the present prophet? How so or why not? What does it mean to say that the prophet is prophet through the will of God the Father? What does it mean to say that he is prophet through the grace of Jesus Christ?
Verses 4-6: What does it mean to heed something? How is that different from listening to it? Why are we admonished to receive his word “in all patience and faith”?
D&C 43:2
Has anyone beside the prophet been appointed to receive commandments and revelations from the Lord? If so, who and how?
D&C 68:3-4
Whom do these verses describe? What does this doctrine require of us?
D&C 101:43-54
Who is the watchman on the tower? How do we fail to build the tower? How does this parable teach the will of the Lord “concerning the redemption of Zion” (verse 43)?
Section 107
Verse 22: What sustains the quorum of the Presidency of the Church?
Verses 91-92: Why does the Lord compare the present-day prophet to Moses? How is he like Moses?