An undiscovered continent

Overheard in passing —

“No, no, we’re an archipelago. Not like those monolithic group blogs. We’re not Wal-mart or Target; we’re a mere loose association of web sites. It’s not like we have a group web page or anything . . .”

. . .

Welcome to the dark side, boys.

14 comments for “An undiscovered continent

  1. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

    You mainlanders are always looking down on us island folk Kaimi! So our little archipelago is connecting with the other isles of the sea…. at least everyone is still invited to join. All it takes is a good mormon blog and you’re in!

  2. Yes, it is a group page, but different. I like Ronan’s explanation that we are the farmer’s market to your WalMart, Target, and K-mart. We’re supporting the local folks with all the proceeds going to the individual.

  3. I almost linked to your beta site — I was wondering when you were going to go live with that.

    Nice look, folks! It’s like an upgrade from hovercraft ferry service to the Chunnel.

  4. at least everyone is still invited to join. All it takes is a good mormon blog and you’re in!

    Ouch. I tried to join a long while back. Now I feel dissed. ;)

  5. Stephen. Note the Three Degrees of Maritime Glory:

    1. The Archipelago: capped at 7 because, er, 7 is a special number.
    2. The Islands of the Sea: the other little blogs. This is where you can join. Email Geoff.
    3. The Mainland: the Pangean Blogs.

    Note the cool ‘Nacle search facility!

  6. Ronan said:
    “3. The Mainland: the Pangean Blogs.”

    I always think of M* as Gondwanaland myself. BCC is Laurasia.

  7. Wow, cool site guys. Ronan, I’m very excited to use that search feature. This looks like a great reference point.

    Yours, from the mainland (by carrier pigeon)

  8. In case you didn’t know— there is a game called Mornomoply. Google it you will find how to buy it.

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