Sunday School Lesson 6

Lesson 6: D&C 6, 8, 9, and 11

You will find study questions for D&C 6, 8, and 9 in the materials for lesson 5.

Section 11

Verses 1-9: With slight variations, these are the same as D&C 6:1-9. There is also overlap between them and a number of other verses in other sections, such as D&C 4: 4, 12:1-6, and 14:1-5. How do you explain those repetitions?

Verses 1-2: Why does the Lord announce himself? What does it mean to give heed to his word? What does it mean that his word is like a sword? What point is he making when he says his word divides joint and marrow? Why this violent imagery?

Verses 3-5: Except for in Alma 26:5, we find this harvest image exclusively in the Doctrine and Covenants. Why is this image particularly appropriate to the last days? Here and in each of the sections that repeat this image, 4, 6, and 12, there is a close connection between the call to take part in the harvest and the admonition to ask and to knock if we wish to receive. What is the connection between those two ideas?

Verse 6: Do we know what Joseph asked which prompted this revelation? (The heading gives a clue, as are verses 8, 15-17, and 20-22.) What is Zion? What is the cause of Zion? How can we bring its cause forth? How can we establish its cause?

Verse 7: Why do you think the Lord gives this instruction to Hyrum? Does this suggest that perhaps Hyrum was tempted by the desire for riches, or is there a better explanation? How does this admonition apply to us? Don’t we seek for riches when we choose a career and take into important account what it will pay?

Verse 8: Does this have anything to do with D&C 4:3?

Verse 9: Here is another often repeated admonition. (Mosiah 18:20 and D&C 19:21, as well as the already mentioned D&C 6:9, for example.) What does it mean to preach only repentance? The Lord admonishes Hyrum to keep the commandments, including that to bring forth his work, immediately after telling him only to preach repentance. Can you explain the connection between those?

Verses 10-11: Notice that these verses are one sentence. What is Hyrum’s gift? What has having a gift to do with verse 11?

Verses 12-14: Can you decide what the word “spirit” refers to each time it is used here? Does it refer to the same thing each time?

Verse 15: Hyrum is told that he cannot preach until he is called. But Section 4 (verse 3) says that we are called if we have desires. How do you reconcile these two verses?

Verse 19: Concretely, what does it mean to cleave to the Lord? What does the word “cleave” suggest?

Verses 21-22: If we desire to teach, we must obtain his word. How do we do that? At this time, what word had gone forth among the children of men? What is the Lord commanding Hyrum to study?

Verse 25: Against what is the Lord warning Hyrum? How might one deny the spirit of revelation? What is the difference between the spirit of revelation and the spirit of prophecy?

Verse 26: The verb phrase, “treasure up” doesn’t have an object. What do you think that object is?

Verses 28-29: Why is the testimony here important to Hyrum? Consider each element of this testimony: Christ is the Son of God, I was rejected by his own. Why do you think the Savior chose to use those as his testimony to Hyrum? How might they be significant to Hyrum in particular?

Verse 30: How do we receive Christ? What does it mean to become one of his children? If we are already the children of God, how do we become his children. (Another look at King Benjamin’s sermon may be helpful here, especially Mosiah 5.)

5 comments for “Sunday School Lesson 6

  1. >Why does the Lord announce himself?

    Can I use your question here to segue into a larger question in the D&C, mainly why Jesus sometimes talks as if he is Heavenly Father?

    In D&C 49, verse 5 reads, “Thus saith the Lord; for I am God, and have sent mine Only Begotten Son into the world for the redemption of the world, and have decreed that he that receiveth him shall be saved, and he that receiveth him not shall be damned.” Then in verse 28 he closes saying, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, and I come quickly.”

    Why does Jesus talk like this? For a clearer example of the confusion, reverse the order of the two clauses above: “Behold, I am Jesus . . . I have sent mine Only Begotten Son [Jesus] into the world . . . .”

    What point of view is this? Imitative first person? The way Jesus sometimes talks in third person, first person, and imitative first person strikes me as inconsistent. Can you bring some logic and reasoning to the rhetorical technique he is using here?



  2. >What is Hyrum’s gift?

    Hyrum is told he has two gifts — the spirit of revelation and the gift of Aaron. My understanding of this second gift is that it originally referred to an actual rod, perhaps a kind of divining rod that would dip or nod according to … what was asked it?

    CURRENT: Now this is not all thy a gift; for you have another gift, which is the gift of Aaron; behold, it has told you many things; Behold, there is no other power, save the power of God, that can cause this gift of Aaron to be with you. Therefore, adoubt not, for it is the gift of God; and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it away out of your hands, for it is the work of God. (D&C 9:6-8)

    ORIGINAL: Now this is not all, for you have another gift, which is the gift of working with the rod. Behold, it has told you things. Behold, there is no other power save God that can cause this rod of nature to work in your hands, for it is the work of God. And therefore whatsoever you shall ask me to tell you by that means, will I grant unto you, that you shall know. (D&C 9:6-8)

    It makes sense that the second gift would be a rod if it were to be something that he holds in his hands.

    Why was the passage revised? Did we want to disassociate ourselves with psychic “dowsing tools”? Did Aaron have a rod that he “consulted”? Does it change how your interpret Oliver’s gifts?


  3. I really like the idea of this site, just wish we did not all procrastinate ;). We (ie Gospel Doctrine Teachers) could have our own discussions pre-sunday. Get some ideas from around the world.

  4. Is there any way to let someone know I responded to the post they made several days ago? Or do they just have to–by chance–browse previous posts. I was really hoping to hear Jim’s response to my comments here.

    It seems like this blog should have a “notify me of responses” function. Kaimi, can you code something in here? :)


  5. I’ve had the same problem. A brilliant post by someone on a thread that had moved off the front page. I saw it, commented, but nobody else did. Waah! It was a good one, truly.

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