Recent notes from the bloggernacle:
David Sundwall links to an article on politcal extremism in Utah, and adds some of his own characteristically insightful commentary.
Ryan Bell continues the bloggernacle version of the Hundred Years War with Bob Caswell (it’s very civil, however, and parts of it have been waged on this blog) with another post on scriptural interpretation. Also at that blog, Chelsea Grimmius takes the sensible position that throwing children against a wall is not a good idea.
Don at Nine Moons wonders what the most important revelation is. (Oooh, a list-y topic!).
Sometime T & S commenter Geoff B has a new article in Meridian about moral relativism; Dave over at the Mormon Inquiry Blog has offers a critique of the article, arguing that its reasoning allows members “a green light” to judge others.