The Baptismal Service

My twins turned eight years old on Tuesday, and we baptized and confirmed them today. Good Friday seemed like an appropriate day for such a service. Having baptized each of my five children, I have baptized more people since my return from missionary service than I did in Austria. Way more.

The water was chilly, and my sons didn’t bend their knees — even though we had practiced that in the living room — so their feet almost went out of the water. My sister, who is not a member of the Church, drove three hours to attend. She cried when we sang, “I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus.” My youngest daughter invited a friend from her fourth-grade class, and her friend thought it was “cool.”

The talks were basic, but heartfelt. I appreciated the woman who explained the sacrament prayer as a personal covenant, and I was moved by another woman who testified about the influence of the Holy Ghost. I didn’t mess up on any of the prayers, and we ate Krispy Kreme doughnuts afterwards. All in all, a pretty great night.

6 comments for “The Baptismal Service

  1. Gordon, thanks for sharing. It is always the simple things we do in life that make the best memories.

    What a great day to be baptized on, too!

  2. Great!!! I was baptised in the cold water of a Michigan winter a few decembers back, and it is one of the greatest experiences I have had in my life. Your twins will sure remember their Good Friday baptisms for the rst of their lives.

  3. What a sweet narration of their day :)

    My twins boys are two and we’re in the process of gutting the house of all markers and crayons not labeled specifically WASHABLE. In this way I hope that if they continue to insist on coloring on the walls the very second I turn my back, they will have a shot at living to be baptised.

  4. Sehr Sehr schoen.

    Bei mir wird es genauso gehen- Ich werde hoffentlich mehr Taufen durch meine Kinder sehen als ich jemals auf Mission in DE sah… :)

  5. Thank you for sharing! Reading your post made me remember my baptism day. What a great memory.

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