The secret panel has convened, the judges have decided, the votes are in, and the Post of the Month for March 2004 is Nate Oman, How Mormons Became White, which narrowly beat out Julie Smith’s Why We Doze in Sunday School for the most points.
Overall, I think that the event was a great success. There were a number of excellent posts nominated, and the whole process got me (and hopefully many others) to read back over and examine some of the very interesting posts of the last month. I had a lot of fun. Congratulations again Nate (I’ll be in touch about your prize), and I hope to hear from everyone again at the end of April.
I’m glad to see that Nate’s winning post was not the Month’s leader in comments, or close to it. Julie’s had a lot of comments, of course, but they tended to be more wheat than the usual chaffing.
Nate, you owe me a Coke for nominating you.