This year I’ve again managed to put together a bibliography of international works on Mormonism. While I thought the list was substantial last year, it is much larger this year, at least in part because I think I’ve gotten better at finding what has been published.
With any luck this will help call attention to the international nature of Mormonism today and to the study of Mormonism outside of the U.S. The list includes any work that talks about Mormonism more than just in passing (as far as I can tell without actually having the work in hand) and that is set or discusses areas outside of the U.S. It also includes every work about Mormonism I could find that is not in English.
Particularly interesting is the number of academic works written in German and French — apparently from non-Mormon researchers. It is also fascinating to see self-published books in both German and Spanish.
As I did last year, I’ve translated titles and added notes where possible. I think I’ve also improved the categories a bit, separating out books for the popular market and self-published works. I have not distinguished between ebooks and print books — both are included. Comments, criticisms and additions are welcome.
- Alandete, David. Los últimos extremistas mormones. (The Last Mormon Extremists) El País, 2012. [The publisher is the principle Spanish newspaper, so I assume this is either a compilation of news items or heavily influenced by news — possibly about the FLDS Church.]
- Conrad, Penne D. Out of the Killing Fields–Into the Light: Interviews with Mormon Converts from Cambodia
. Bonneville, 2011.
- Fluckiger, Jay D. Surviving the Taliban: The Incredible, True Story of a Convert
. Cedar Fort, Inc., 2011.
- Hilton, Lynn M. El Teorema de Kólob, Una visión Mormona del universo estelar de Dios (Spanish Edition)
. (Spanish: The Kolob Theorem: a Mormon vision of God’s starry universe) Translated by Enrique Pulido. HiltonBooks LLC, 2011.
- Leather, Stephen. Le mormon et la lycéenne. (French: The Mormon and the schoolgirl) Bamboo Sinfonia, 2011. [While I’m not sure, the sense I have is that this book may be risqué.]
- Mclean, Julia Dalton. Der grosse Tag des Herrn. (German: The Great Day of the Lord) Bad Reichenhall: LDS Books, 2011.
- Ojeda-Mari, Victor. La Semaine Sainte. (French: The Holy Week) Syllabaire éditions, 2011.
- Roth, Eva Maria. 365 Vorlesegeschichten aus dem Buch Mormon. (German: 365 read-aloud stories from the Book of Mormon) Bad Reichenhall: LDS Books, 2011.
- Schuster, Eric. Katholische Wurzeln – mormonische Ernte. (German: Catholic Roots — Mormon Harvest) Bad Reichenhall: LDS Books, 2011.
- Stewart, George. Latter-day Pioneers
. North Highland Publishing, 2011.
- Walker, Ronaldo J. Mejores Amigos (Spanish Edition)
. (Spanish: Best Friends) Nauvoo Libros, 2011.
Self-Published Works
- Andreadakis, John. From Pythagoras To Salt Lake City
. AuthorHouse, 2011.
- Harmer, S. Dean. My Mission to French Polynesia
. S. Dean Harmer, 2011.
- Skibbe, Gerd. Vom Fisch Zum Kreuz: Was Roms Kaiser Konstantin Aus Der Lehre Christi Machte. (German: From fish to cross: What the Roman Emperor Constantine did with the teachings of Christ) Books On Demand, 2011.
- Warr, James. Claves De Mormon
. (Spanish: Keys to Mormon), 2011.
Periodical Articles
- Bartholomew, Ronald E. “Nineteenth-Century Missiology of the LDS Bedfordshire Conference.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 206–245.
- Beatriz, Hernández, Graciela. “Conversiones Religiosas e Historia Oral: Pentecostales y Mormones En Contextos Migratorios, En Bahía Blanca y Área De Influencia.” (Spanish: Religious Conversion and Oral History: Pentecostals and Mormons in migration contexts, in Bahia Blanca and surrounding area.) Revista Cultura y Religión 5, no. 1 (2011): 135–155.
- Chan, Michelle. “Beyond Bountiful: Toward an Intersectional and Postcolonial Feminist Intervention in the British Columbia Polygamy Reference.” Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform 16 (2011): 15–30.
- Clark, Anna. “James Hinton and Victorian Individuality: Polygamy and the Sacrifice of the Self.” Victorian Studies 54, no. 1 (October 2011): 35–61.
- Clark, David L., and Bart J. Kowallis. “The Fate of the Davao Penal Colony #502 ‘Branch’ of the LDS Church, 1944.” BYU Studies 50, no. 4 (2011): 108–135.
- Cope, Rachel. “‘With God’s Assistance I Will Someday Be an Artist’: John B. Fairbanks’s Account of the Paris Art Mission.” BYU Studies 50, no. 3 (2011): 133–159.
- Davis, Norma S. “Review of: Mormons as Citizens of a Communist State: A Documentary History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in East Germany, 1945–1990.” BYU Studies 50, no. 3 (2011): 183–190.
- DeVan, Benjamin B. “Religious Tolerance in World Religions.” Journal of Religion in Europe 4, no. 3 (October 1, 2011): 512–515.
- Dursteler, Eric R. “One-Hundred Years of Solitude: Mormonism in Italy, 1867–1964.” International Journal of Mormon Studies 4, no. 1 (2011): 119–148.
- Van Dyke, Blair G. “Review of Mark L. Grover, A Land of Promise and Prophecy: Elder A. Theodore Tuttle in South America, 1960–1965.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 263–.
- Esplin, Scott C. “Closing the Church College of New Zealand: A Case Study in Church Education Policy.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 86–114.
- Featherstone, Guy. “The Millennial Voice in Victoria to 1914.” Journal of Religious History 35, no. 2 (June 1, 2011): 233–263.
- Fer, Yannick. “Religion, Pluralism, and Conflicts in the Pacific Islands.” In The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence, edited by Andrew R. Murphy, 461–472. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
- Gavin, Sherrie L. M. “An Independent Companion: Ethel Parton and the Australian Relief Society.” Journal of Mormon History 36, no. 1 (2011): 145–178.
- Gessel, Van C. “Coming to Terms: The Challenge of Creating Christian Vocabulary in a Non-Christian Land.” BYU Studies 50, no. 4 (2011): 33–59.
- Hall, Andrew R. “Review of: Reid L. Neilson, Early Mormon Missionary Activities in Japan, 1901–1924.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 44, no. 4 (Winter 2011): 221–226.
- Hardy, Jeffrey S. “Review of: E. N. Mel’nikova, O. G. Moiseenko, and M. I. Odintsov, Eds., Svoboda Sovesti v Rossii: Istoricheskii i Sovremennyi Aspekty, Vol. 6. Moscow and St. Petersburg: Rossiiskoe Ob’edinenie Issledovatelei Religii, 2008. Softcover.” International Journal of Mormon Studies 4, no. 2011 (2011): 181–184.
- Head, Ronan J. “‘An American Enterprise’: An Interview with Massimo Introvigne.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 44, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 162–170.
- Hogge, Robert M. “Review of Roger P. Minert, In Harm’s Way: East German Latter-day Saints in World War II.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 250–254.
- Jones, Zachary Ray. “‘War and Confusion in Babylon’: Mormon Reaction to German Unification, 1864–80.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 4 (Fall 2011): 115–150.
- Keele, Alan. “Review of Raymond Kuehne, Mormons as Citizens of a Communist State: A Documentary History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in East Germany, 1945–1990.” Journal of Mormon History 38, no. 1 (Winter 2012): 235–239.
- Knowlton, David Clark. “Parley Pratt and the Problem of Separating Latin and Anglo America.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 194–199.
- Minert, Roger P. “Review of: Mormons As Citizens of a Communist State: A Documentary History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in East Germany: Raymond Kuehne.” Mormon Historical Studies 12, no. 1 (Spring 2011).
- Rasmussen, Matthew Lyman. “A Home for the Saints: Developments in LDS Worship Accommodation in Lancashire, England.” International Journal of Mormon Studies 4, no. 1 (2011): 66–107.
- Sherlock-Taselaar, Ingrid. “Review of: Raymond Kuehne, Mormonen Und Staatsbürger: Eine Dokumentierte Geschichte Der Kirche Jesu Christi Der Heiligen Der Letzten Tage in Der DDR.” International Journal of Mormon Studies 4, no. 2011 (2011): 169–172.
- Silva, Silva Antônio. “O pecado chamado prazer: análise do paradigma sexual entre os adolescentes membros da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias a partir da ótica de Michel Foucault.” (Portuguese: The Sin Called Pleasure: An analysis of the sexual paradigm among adolescents in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the perspective of Michel Foucault.) Anais dos Simpósios da ABHR 12, no. 1 (May 25, 2011).
- Tamez, Jared. “Indians, Mestizos, and Parley P. Pratt’s Chilean Mission.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 200–205.
- Tamez, Jared. “Review of Kevin L. Mortensen, Comp. and Ed. Witnessing the Hand of the Lord in the Dominican Republic.” Journal of Mormon History 37, no. 2 (Spring 2011): 234–237.
- Timothy, Dallen J., and Kevin R. Schmidt. “Personal Heritage and Return Visits to American Colonies in Mexico.” Tourism Review International 14, no. 4 (2011): 179–188.
- Vousden, Peter. “‘We Do Not Make Fun of Any Religion in My Newspapers’: The Beaverbrook Press Coverage of Mormon Stories in Britain, 1912–1964.” International Journal of Mormon Studies 4, no. 2011 (2011): 108–118.
- Woods, Fred E. “Making Friends Down Under: The Beginnings of LDS Missionary Work on Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia, 1961.” Mormon Historical Studies 12, no. 1 (Spring 2011).
Academic Books
- Cannon, Hugh J. To The Peripheries of Mormondom: The Apostolic Around-the-World Journey of David O McKay, 1920-1921
. Edited by Reid L Neilson. 1st ed. University of Utah Press, 2011.
- Charles, Carter. “Des Mormons Et Des Chiffres: Statistiques Et Conversions Dans l’Église De Jésus-Christ Des Saints Des Derniers Jours”. (French: Mormons and Numbers: Statistics And Conversions In The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints) Chaiers de l’Institut Religioscope, Université Michel de Montaigne, 2011.
- Dennis, Ronald D. Zion’s Trumpet: 1850 Welsh Mormon Periodical
. BYU Religious Studies/ Deseret Book Company, 2011.
- Dubois, Guy. La Conquête De L’ouest En Chansons?: Etude Sociohistorique Des Chants De Soldats, De Hors-la-loi, De Chercheurs D’or, De Mineurs, De Mormons Et De Fermiers Américains Du XIXe Siècle. (French: The Conquest of the West in Song?: Socio-historical study of the songs of soldiers, of those outside the law, of gold seekers, miners, Mormons and American farmers of the nineteenth century.) L’Harmattan, 2011.
- Eberle, Edward J. Church and State in Western Society
. Ashgate, 2011.
- Gailus, Manfred, and Armin Nolzen. Zerstrittene?»Volksgemeinschaft«: Glaube, Konfession und Religion im Nationalsozialismus. (German: Fractious National Community?: faith, creed and religion in the Third Reich.) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011.
- James, William Closson. God’s Plenty: Religious Diversity in Kingston
. Mcgill Queens Univ Pr, 2011.
- Jeier, Thomas. Die ersten Amerikaner: Eine Geschichte der Indianer. (German: The first Americans: A History of the Indians.) Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2011.
- Kuehne, Raymond. Henry Burkhardt and LDS Realpolitik in Communist East Germany
. 1st ed. University of Utah Press, 2011.
- Löffler, Beate. Fremd und Eigen: Christlicher Sakralbau in Japan nach 1853. (German: Foreign and Separate: Christian religious construction in Japan since 1853) Frank & Timme, 2011.
- Mardon, Austin. The Mormon Contribution to Alberta Politics
. Golden Meteorite Press, 2011.
- Paye-Moissinac, Lucie, Pierre Allorant, Walter Badier, and Collectif. Voyages en Amérique?: La société américaine vue par Marcel Jozon en 1869 et par Alexandre Ribot en 1886-1887. (French: Travels in America?: American society as seen by Marcel Jozon in 1869 and Alexandre Ribot in 1886-1887.) L’Harmattan, 2011.
- Tonk, Moritz. “Die Zähmung des Wilden Westens”: Landerschließung und Raumnutzung in den USA im 19. Jahrhundert. (German: “The Taming of the Wild West”: Land development and land use in the United States in the 19th century.) Grin Verlag, 2011.
Thesis and Dissertations
- Ball, Katie Nichole. “‘When They Called Us Jie Mei (sister)’ An Autoethnographic and Narrative Study of Religious Development in Emerging Adulthood”. M.S., Family, Consumer and Human Development, Utah State University, 2011.
- Beazer, Jaclyn Ann. “Religious Space in Transition: A Comparison of Latter-Day Saint and Nonconformist Worship in Victorian England”. Utah State University, 2011.
- Harthoorn, E.M. “Heiligen Van De Laatste Dagen: Over Groei Van Het Mormonisme”. (Dutch: Latter-day Saints: About the Growth of Mormonism) Bachelor thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, 2011.
- Swanberg, Michael E. “Alberta Federal Politics in an Era of Socioeconomic Realignment 1953–1958”. M.A., University of Calgary (Canada), 2011.
If you know of a work published in 2011 that isn’t listed above, please don’t hesitate to mention it in the comments below.
David M. Morris, The Emergence and Development of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Staffordshire, 1839-1870, University of Southampton, 2010 Ph.D. diss.
David, that should have been included in last year’s list.
Oh, and congratulations on finishing it.
Thank you for taking the effort for compiling this list. As European I appreciate it.
Some intriguing titles. Thank you for the compilation.
Great stuff, Kent.
PhD = Please Help me with Dates :)
Cracking list though Kent, very good indeed.
An excellent initiative, indeed! I did find the original list last year. It included my Transatlantica piece.
Two more, beside my Institut Religioscope paper:;
Forthcoming in a volume being prepared by David and Kim Ostman: my survey of French academic publications, theses and dissertations since 1947.
Last, but not least to everyone: don’t forget to come and see us in Bordeaux in Dec 2012 for the conference on Mormonism.
This list is great- thank you! I was in two minds as to whether to post as it seems a bit “hey look at me” but shameless self promotion never hurts:) Although the focus is not on the international aspect of the Church I’m English and my PhD was from the Univeristy of Liverpool: the thesis was finished in 2011 “Towards a Latter-day Saint theology of religions and the resultant implications for inter-faith dialogue”. I’ve got other bits from 2010 and 2012 but that’s it from 2011.
Great work, Kent!
Another academic to add (hat tip to Clint Christensen who mentioned this Dutch book to me):
Spitse, J. Altijd Aan Het Reizen: Brieven van een mormoonse emigrant naar Noord-Amerika, 1877-1913 (Always travelling: Letters from a Mormon emigrant to North-America, 1877-1913). Zutphen, Netherlands: Walburg Press, 2011.
As to the French Le mormon et la lycéenne (The Mormon and the high school girl), the title conjures up the image of a lurid 19th century story where an innocent girl is abducted by a Mormon villain, but this does not seem the case, judging from the reviews (I have not read it). It’s a “polar” – a police novel, where the hero is trying to find a young Mormon who has disappeared in Thailand. The young man from Salt Lake City (not a missionary) was in Thailand for a year of studies. His parents ask Bob Tourterelle, a local detective, to search for the boy. A story with criminals and corrupt police officers, and no doubt violence and sex. But one can wonder how it ends in a country known for underage prostitution and an innocent Mormon boy in that realm… The book is published in Thailand by a local publisher serving foreign tourists, in this case the 400,000 French who visit Thailand every year and who like to read pulp literature on lazy days…
Thank you all for the additions. James, (and anyone else) please do NOT feel like suggesting your own work is untoward in any way. IMO, the worst thing in scholarship is to have work done that can’t be found or isn’t known. Whatever is of value in a work is lost if it can’t be found. And bibliographies are all about making sure work can be found.
Wilfried, once again I am indebted to your assistance. The dutch work looks quite valuable, and your assessment of “Le mormon et la lycéenne” is quite valuable. While I’m glad to know it wasn’t straight porn (there is enough of that in English!) it is also good to know to be prepared for the possibility of run-of-the-mill smut, should it be there.
James, a bibliography needs a last name. Are you James Holt?
Sorry- yes I am:) Senior moment! (Can you have those at 38?)
One more piece of information on Le Mormon et la Lycéenne. I should have done better homework. Stephen Leather is a UK thriller writer. The book published in Thailand is a French translation of an English thriller, Bangkok Bob and the missing Mormon.. I found a review here.
This is excellent, thanks Kent!